Article • February 8, 2013

Compose the Next Musical Hit

Write complete songs on your phone with Figure

It wasn’t that long ago that you needed amps, microphones, and (gasp!) a mixing board if you wanted to make listenable music.

Now all you need is an iPhone, $0.99, and Figure.

Built by the folks behind the landmark music-making software Reason, Figure is a beautifully designed all-in-one beat-making app for your iPhone. That’s right: You can compose a whole piece of music and look to the world like you’re playing Angry Birds.

It’s got a library of drum, bass, and lead synth sounds, as well as some incredibly impressive mixing capabilities. But the best part is how intuitive it is. As the demo video shows, you can open it up and start composing immediately. It’s super easy to write original beats or melodies — heck, check out what we made in two minutes right here.

Okay okay, so we might not be the next Araabmuzik, but maybe you will.