Article • May 2, 2013

Find the Market Price for Anything Online

Find the best deals on eBay with PriceGeek

You strutted into work ready to brag about the great deal you got on a classic transparent GameBoy Color for a cool $199, only to find your coworker Jerry got the same one for $100 less.

The shame, it burns.

Start using PriceGeek to ensure you don’t make that mistake again. This dead-simple website crunches a massive amount of data in a matter of seconds to find the average price of items on eBay, so you can rest assured you’re not paying $50 more than you should.

Just plug in something you’re curious about – anything from a MacBook Pro to vintage engagement rings to a BMW X5 – and PriceGeek will provide reams of statistical info like the highest- and lowest-priced listings, mean and median costs, and current auctions that are ending soon.

That’ll show Jerry how the game is really played.