Article • June 17, 2013

Keep a Personal Assistant in Your Pocket

EasilyDo is a personal assistant app for real life

We like to throw around the word “easy.” You might even call us the email that cried “easy.”

Hopefully you’ll still trust us when we recommend EasilyDo, an iPhone and Android app that makes navigating your agenda . . . easy.

Sync EasilyDo to your email and calendar (and Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for super users) and it starts humming in the background, gathering and organizing intel with designs on serving it to you in a smart, timely manner.

From your inbox, the app pulls shipping notifications, hotel confirmations, bills, boarding passes, and receipts. It then adds relevant entries to your calendar and does fancy things like track packages and remind you to pay your phone bill.

It also handles your social calendar. Ticketmaster purchases, Eventbrite RSVPs, and OpenTable reservations are calendared, and the app can send prewritten texts on friends’ birthdays or when you’re late for a date.

But before you start thinking EasilyDo is veering into territory, know that it can alert you to important emails and dial you into conference calls for easy access to real interactions.

Whoops, there’s that word again.