Your four options for taking a group picture:
a) Take a selfie.
b) Show a stranger how to use your camera and hope they don’t steal it.
c) Make the pal you like least take it.
d) None of the above, group pictures aren’t that nice anyway.
Pick your (extremely awkward) poison. Or pick up Groopic, an iPhone app that will fix your group photo woes forever.
Groopic’s secret is technology that merges photos together. To get everyone in a photo, it takes two: one with the full group, then the second with the photographer against the same background. Groopic then combines the two seamlessly.
And while Groopic – which is $0.99 for a limited time at the App Store – was made for stitching together group photos, it’s a fun hack is to use it to clone images. Hey! We just cloned a Webby!
Editor’s note: Cloning a Webby does not mean you won two Webbys.