Make Writing a More Peaceful Experience - Netted
Article • July 26, 2013

Make Writing a More Peaceful Experience

Free yourself from distraction with OmmWriter

This article was written, peacefully, in a program called OmmWriter.


For 20 blissful minutes we tip tapped on our keyboard, not a single sentence marred by the distractions of Facebook, email, or instant messages.


When you open Ommwriter – available for Mac, Windows, and iPad – everything on your screen melts away, and in place appears a serene writing environment.

Your choices are purposefully minimal. For backgrounds, there is a snowscape or a warm gradient. For sound effects, the din of a long train ride or ambient instrumentals. There are four font choices and three typewriteresque sound effects (a feature we love).

This is all for the free Dana I version. If you crave more options the Dana II version sports a pay-what-you-want model, a la Radiohead, and includes a much larger variety of ambiances.

For us, the beauty is in the simplicity.
