Score Free Gift Cards For Shopping - Netted
Article • August 6, 2013

Score Free Gift Cards For Shopping

Shopkick rewards you for walking in the door

A recent piece in The Economist explored the future of retail shopping. One sentence caught our eye: “Shoppers can expect new rewards for simply showing up.”

They were talking about shopkick, an app for iPhone and Android that rewards you – with gift cards, Coach bags, even a Vespa – just for walking into your favorite stores.

Read the article if you want to know why places like Best Buy, Target, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond are giving away free stuff just to see your pretty face. Or you can start earning stuff right now.

Open the app and you’ll see a map of nearby participating stores. Walk into one, open the app, and wait for the big blue welcome bubble to pop up. You just earned kicks – and you can earn even more for actually making purchases.

But like Woody Allen once said, “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.”