The two biggest shopping days of the year are nearly upon us.
Our annual strategy: Spend Black Friday eating leftovers then pounce on Cyber Monday.
This year we’ll be doing that with the help of PopNod, a new service that generates charitable donations from your regular online shopping.
PopNod is hooked up to 256 of the Web’s largest online retailers, from ASOS and Best Buy to Gap and Target. Click through PopNod to start hopping on those sites and you’ll earn cash back (typically about 3.5%) on every purchase you make.
From that, PopNod asks you what percentage you want to donate to charity – anywhere from 10% to the whole nut. Whatever you keep is paid out monthly; the remainder is shipped off to the charity of your choice.
So in essence, when you shop through PopNod you’re donating with house money. A win-win if there ever was one.