Article • January 2, 2014

Remember Your Past Photos

Memoir brings up good memories at good times

Just because it’s 2014 doesn’t mean you should forget 2013 (or 12 or 11 for that matter).

But if all the champagne has left you a bit fuzzy, Memoir can jog your memory. Like a nagging Aunt, the iPhone app shows you photos from your past depending on who you’re with, where you are, and what you’re doing.

For example: If you are hanging out with Phil, Memoir will display photos of you and Phil. It will also surface nostalgia-inducing pictures taken at specific locations when you return to said locations.

The goal, of course, is to let the app do all the work, though the search function is pretty nifty, allowing you to find moments by people, places, and dates even though you didn’t tag the photos with that information.

Memoir imports directly from your Camera Roll, stores your photos in the cloud, and can pull from Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, too. You can also install it on your Mac to include every photo on your hard drive.

So all you have to do is keep making new memories.