Article • January 10, 2014

GIF Yourself In

Add Yourself to Reaction GIFs with GIF Yourself

Our love for Giphy is well documented. How could a repository for moving images of puppies, 30 Rock scenes, and fodder for e-cards be anything but a favorite in our hearts?

Well now they’ve joined forces with another Netted favorite, Tapestry, to create GIF Yourself, a site where you can take a picture of your face and paste it, hilariously, into your favorite GIFs.

Category options cover all the bases, from #mad and #hellno to #wtf and #happy. Delve into Giphy’s comprehensive library to find the GIF that fits you best then pose for a quick photo or choose one from your library.

The site (with apps for iPhone and iPad) does the rest, bringing your creation to life, free for you to share wherever and however you like. And remember: It doesn’t necessarily have to be your face you use.

Use your new powers wisely.