Article • February 24, 2014

Spend and Save Smarter

Manage your personal finances with Level

It’s just a coffee. It’s just one new shirt. It’s late, let’s just take a cab home.

Much as we worship at the altar of Treat Yo Self, you’ve got to meet your wallet halfway. And the referee for that cash flow tug of war is Level, a beautiful budgeting app for iPhone and Android.

When you sign up, the app asks you to identify your financial goals: save money, pay back loans, or even something simple like know you won’t go broke before payday.

Then Level hooks up to your financial institution and automatically updates spendable cash as purchases and deposits hit your account. It also predicts your paycheck and recurring expenses to forecast future cash flow.

In other words, Level tells you how much you can spend today without screwing yourself tomorrow.

That peace of mind may be the best treat of all.