Article • February 26, 2014

Stand Out from the Hiring Crowd

Sumry is the most eye-catching resume online or off

Imagine, for a moment, that you’re some poor sap reading job applications. Scores, if not hundreds, pass your desk, and they all look the same.

Until, that is, you see one from Sumry.

While run-of-the-mill CVs read a bit like grocery lists – 1 college degree; 2 bushels of community service; some handfuls of Excel – Sumry resumes scroll to tell your story, introducing achievements, positions, and life events.

They’re optimized for whatever medium your dream job requests (be it online or on paper), as well as for computers, tablets, and smartphones.

It won’t break the bank, either. After a 7-day free trial, Sumry is just $3 a month. And we’ve cut a special deal: We’re giving away 3 lifetime subscriptions. Simply email us at with Sumry in the subject line to enter.

At the very least, do it for the guy reading applications.