Article • March 4, 2014 Brings the Titans of Digital Music Together for Free

Buffets were invented because sometimes you just want a little bit of everything. Who’s to say a hot dog, sushi, and some spaghetti won’t go together?

Okay, bad example. But think about Bop like an all-you-can-eat buffet for music, where you cherry-pick tunes from across the Web.

Search for a song and Bop will scour YouTube, Soundcloud, and, if you have accounts, Spotify and Rdio, to find it. This gives you access to live performances, bootlegs, and other indie offerings.

Not only is Bop free and comprehensive, but it’s well-featured too. You can easily slap together and share playlists (that’s why the founders created it) and create Pandora-like stations. Bop even hides songs that are blocked in your country to save you the trouble (and letdown) of clicking them.

And unlike most buffets, you can jump right in without waiting in line.