Article • April 14, 2014

Check in with Your Friends

Povio is an iOS and Android photo messaging app that lets you see what your friends are up to

You’re at the park and took a selfie. You consider posting it, but what if no one cares?

Real talk? Sometimes, no one does. That’s the risk with sharing pictures – unless you’re using the photo-messaging app Povio.

Unlike apps that send your pics into the digital wilderness where they desperately await acknowledgement, Povio (for iOS and Android) prompts users to share photos of what they’re up to, but only upon request.

“Ping” friends on Povio to ask what they’re doing. They’ll send a photo of themselves watching Game of Goats, or bowling with their aunts, or whatever. You can reciprocate with what you’re doing, too.

Povio isn’t just about giving you the view from where your friends sit (or bowl). That first ping kicks off a dialogue of photos, and short texts, documenting both of your whereabouts.

Even better? Photos vanish after 24 hours.

Farewell, family bowling night evidence! Farewell, selfie-sharing anxiety!