Article • July 17, 2014


Amazers Inspires You to Achieve Your Goals

You’ve probably heard that having an exercise partner makes you less likely to skip a workout. Well, that principle applies across the board: teams motivate.

That’s the idea behind Amazers, the inspiration platform that lets you work in teams of 30 toward a common goal, under the tutelage of one motivating luminary. Amazers’ theory is that the inspiration you need to fulfill your dreams comes from overcoming challenges – and the best way to do that is alongside a likeminded community.

The first step is to accept a challenge – like this one created by Solar Impulse creator Bertrand Piccard. From there you need to complete each predefined step before moving on, and you’re encouraged to share and motivate others as you go along.

Amazers even gives out special rewards for completing challenges and for helping your fellow strivers do the same.

The path to achieving your dreams is a click away. Get started.