Article • August 1, 2014

Get Shopping Discounts without Trying

Honey is a Chrome and Firefox extension that finds coupons automatically

Isn’t it great when you get something for a discount without trying? Like that time some unassuming New Yorker bought half-a-million-dollar Banksy original for $60?

Big discounts with no effort: That’s what Honey is about. This extension for Chrome and Firefox automatically finds promo codes for what’s already in your cart.

Once you install the extension, Honey adds a button on the product pages of its supported stores (places like Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot, J. Crew, Sephora, and much more).

The next time you’re shopping online, instead of pausing to Google for coupon codes, just click on Honey and it’ll source and apply any available discounts to your shopping cart. It also shows you a list of current coupons and sales for the store to accommodate the occasional impulse buy.

All in all, it’s a pretty sweet way to shop.