Article • August 15, 2014

Keep Back-Ups of All Your Devices

Pogoplug is an automatic back-up service with apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and more

All it takes is one false move and your phone is belly-up in a toilet, in smithereens on the sidewalk, or pancaked under an 18-wheeler.

Pogoplug is your insurance policy for that and more. This service backs up your photos, videos, and everything else – and it can replicate your treasured documents on any device.

Just install Pogoplug’s iOS, Android, or Windows app for your phone, tablet, and/or computer and enable automatic backup. It then gets to work at encrypting and backing up your files, allowing you to easily restore them if they’re lost, or when you upgrade devices.

You can either sign up for $4.95/month unlimited storage (yes, unlimited) – or you can save a few bucks by paying $49.95 for the year. Either way, it’s way cheaper than competing services.

Pogoplug could be a lifesaver for your files – but still, be careful around those 18-wheelers.