Article • August 20, 2014

Add Voice Notes to Your Pictures

SpeakingPhoto is an audio memo photo app for iOS and Android

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We say, that’s cool… but why can’t you have both?

With SpeakingPhoto, you basically can. This simple iOS and Android app lets you record a voice memo of up to 30 seconds on any picture. (Okay, you probably won’t get 1,000 words in per se, but enough to add a little narrative.)

SpeakingPhoto operates from three basic commands: Shoot, Share, and Speak. Click “Shoot” to snap and add your voice to a new photo – and “Speak” when you want to record on an existing pic. “Share” lets you save images to your phone, send to friends, and post on social networks or SpeakingPhoto’s Gallery.

So whether you’re looking to tell a story with a vacation shot, need to really express the deliciousness captured in your food pic, or just want to remember more about a picture later, SpeakingPhoto has you covered.

Now you can have your photos and hear them too.