Article • October 17, 2014

Share Fun Before-and-After Shots

Peek is an iOS and Android app that shows your followers one picture and they tap to reveal another

Ever wonder why babies love playing peek-a-boo? Well, turns out it’s not just because it’s fun; it also helps their brains develop.

Turns out, peek-a-boo is the kind of game adults like to play, too.

Peek, a new app for the iPhone and Android, is a little like that children’s game, but meant for big kids who want to instantly share before-and-after shots to friends.

Begin by taking a photo to prepare your audience (think of it like the setup, the before, or the suspense), and then a second photo to cap it (it’s the punch line, the after, the conclusion). Peek shows your followers the first picture, and they can only reveal the second with a tap.

As you might imagine, Peek is all about the element of surprise. Update your food pictures by making that burger actually disappear, properly display a drastic haircut, or show how you look before and after an insane workout.

Some games never get old.