Seven. Feet. Of. Snow. That’s how much got dumped on Buffalo the week before Thanksgiving. What does seven feet of snowfall look like? This.
We wouldn’t have blamed the good people of Buffalo for taking one look at their shovels and crawling back into bed. We also wouldn’t have blamed them for quickly downloading Plowz, the on-demand snowplowing app for iOS, Android, and the Web – available in 30+ US cities.
When you sign up for Plowz, just plug in your address, contact info, and house and mailbox color (in case the number is covered in snow) and a plow will come when you beckon. Fees are clearly indicated on the app, and you’ll even get a photo of your cleared driveway afterward.
Happen to live somewhere free of snowfall? Congrats – and meet Plowz’s cousin, Mowz. This service provides on-demand lawn mowing at a moment’s notice from the same app.
No getting-out-of-bed nonsense required.