In the picture, the strawberries were a rich red, the cake like a continental shelf, and the icing drizzling down the sides like frost on Christmas Eve.
When you made it, it looked kind of like a squashed brick.
Cooking isn’t as fun when the finished product is basically unrecognizable as food. Sidechef, a step-by-step cooking app for the iOS and Android that’ll make that recipe look like the picture.
SideChef has something for everybody. Learn to make some classic lasagna, gluten-free chocolate muffins, zucchini fettuccine, gummy worms – the list goes on. Search by mains, sides, quick-to-make meals, and follow chefs you think are great. Share your own recipes if you’re feeling showy.
When you actually get to making the thing, SideChef guides with written and photo directions of every step in the process. Cooking timers are built right in, and SideChef is voice enabled so you can pause your recipe without dirtying your device.
Now that’s more like it.