Article • February 2, 2015

Political Data for All

Crowdpac is a non-partisan political data website

Do you ever feel like your vote doesn’t count? That you don’t have as much pull at the polls as, say, a couple of entrenched billionaires?

Get back in the driver’s seat with Crowdpac, a political website that informs you on US politicians’ positions, lets you support candidates, and more.

Crowdpac is a data hub. Use the site to research potential candidates’ positions on issues like student loans, immigration, and energy, and plot their partisanship.

You can use Crowdpac to contribute to campaigns for candidates before they’re even in the race. Crowdpac holds onto your donation until they decide to run, and returns your money if they don’t.

Plus, it’s fun: You can find out how liberal or conservative your name is. And it’s got this fantasy game where you can pit any politician against historical pundits like George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Wendy Davis.

See? You don’t need to be a billionaire.