Bicycles. We’re impressed by them. We’re enamored by them. We’re protective of them. Losing them tears us apart. And gosh darn it if they can’t bring us together.
Here to use bicycles to bring us together in a new way is Spinlister, an on-demand marketplace for peer-to-peer rentals.
Spinlister – available online, on iOS, and on Android – is full of listings for every type of bike you’d like, from snow-ready mountain bikes to “aggressive unicycles,” whatever those are. Plus, they also list surfboards, snowboards, skis, and other transport modes you can’t fit in your apartment. Just use the site or app to search for and book your ride.
Of course, if you’re in possession of a pair of wheels you’re willing to share, you stand to make some dough on Spinlister. Don’t worry about anything bad happening – Spinlister will spend up to $10,000 to replace or repair damaged or stolen bikes.
Try it. You won’t be sorry.