Article • April 20, 2015

Get Cash for the Clothes in Your Closet

Poshmark is an iOS and Android app and website for buying and selling secondhand clothing easily

Is your closet sort of a goldmine of underused items? Sure, that hat is priceless – we’re not talking about that. It’s everything else: shoes you haven’t worn in seasons, a jacket that never quite fit, jewelry you never knew how to wear.

It’s all worth something on Poshmark. This site is a little like Amazon meets the best imaginable thrift store, meaning not only can you make some cash on your under-worn threads, you can find some beautiful items, too.

Let’s start with the shoppers. Poshmark is full of amazing listings, all organized by brand, size, and item type. So if you need a pair of Tory Burch flats for cheaper than retail, you’re in the right place.

Selling’s fast and easy, too. Get the app for iOS or Android, snap a pic, provide some details, and wait for a sale. Poshmark can separate the real pieces from the knockoffs, so it’s legit.

Goldmine tapped.