Article • June 3, 2015

Take the Planning Off Your Plate

Plan is a website and iOS app that replaces your planner, calendar, and notebook

Work is stressful. So is the work that goes into working: calendaring, logging to-dos, finding time for meetings… Managing the work that goes into working is practically a job unto itself.

For folks with a whole lot of money to burn, hire an assistant. For everyone else, there’s Plan, a website that does the work of planning your work.

Sync Plan with your Google Calendar and it gets to work connecting the dots. It organizes your responsibilities – projects, classes, assignments, and so on – into lists, which are broken down into tasks and meetings. Give those tasks due dates, and Plan will help budget time to work on them.

Once you’ve soldiered through your work, Plan gives you a sense of how you’ve used your time, rounding up your time spent on assignments, meetings, and even sleep, so you know what sort of stuff you’ve accomplished.

Work: now 50% more relaxing.