Remember when email was new and amazing (no stamps! instant communication!), and not a massive time suck? Now, just weeding through the spam in your inbox is enough to give you carpal tunnel.
There’s one way out of this minefield: Boxer. Available on all iOS and Android devices for any email provider, it integrates your contacts, calendar, and email into one efficient platform.
With Boxer, email becomes something almost – dare we say it – elegant. A swipe of your finger lets you delete, archive, or quickly reply to a message. Share your calendar with your contacts so everyone knows your availability. Send a nod of approval by liking emails, and keep track of follow-ups by adding messages to a To-Do list.
Boxer also plays nice with services like Google Drive, Evernote, and Dropbox, which makes saving information from your inbox a breeze.
Suddenly email is amazing again.