Video • August 28, 2015

Get a Valet for Your Ride

Luxe provides an on-demand valet to park, wash, and gas up your car

Don’t waste your time circling full parking lots. This app will deliver on-demand valet service whenever you need it.

OPEN: Doesn’t it feel like valet parking is only available when you don’t need it? Like, I can park my own car in the lot of your fancy restaurant, thank you. But I don’t have time to search for a spot on a packed block when I’m late for a date.

That’s why Luxe is so necessary. Luxe, for iOS and Android, is (forgive the trope) sort of like Uber for valets in that it sends you a valet when and where you need it.

They grab your car, take it to a secure lot nearby, wash it, gas it up, and then return it to you whenever and wherever you need it back. Plus, the average rate is five bucks an hour, and they’ll insure your car up to five million bucks. Right now they’re available in San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, and LA, with more cities coming.

I guess you could say Luxe is a valet for valets. Oof, I just gave myself a headache.

CLOSE: That’s your Cheat Code! Later, nerds.