Article • October 14, 2015

Get Delicious Tea Delivered Monthly

Get an exclusive free trial of ALOHA's Ultimate Tea Kit


Ladies and gents, we’ve trudged through the humidity together and made it to fall. Hooray, us.

But as the leaves change colors, and a chill sets into your bones, you’re going to want to settle in with your favorite fall fix: a perfect cup of tea.

Skip the supermarket and chain varieties, and instead get an exclusive free trial of ALOHA’s Ultimate Tea Kit. Each kit comes with four tea blends and four coconut water powder stick packs. When their forces combine, not only are you getting the benefits of delicious, high-quality tealeaves, but ALOHA’s naturally sourced coconut packs in extra sweetness and hydration too.

Plus, each tea blend – Clean, Protect, Lovers, and Beauty – is naturally packed with ancient herbs and spices, fragrant fruits, and uplifting florals that leave you feeling relaxed, hydrated, and rejuvenated. Mix your blend-of-choice with a coconut stick and sip your tea at home or on the go.

You’re feeling warmer already.