Save Thousands on Student Loans
You know what’s sad? To still be paying off student loans long after you’ve forgotten the names of your college professors.
If you can relate, dry your tears and click over to CommonBond. This company was founded by a few Wharton MBAs who not only know a thing or two about the pains of student debt… but also how to curb it.
Rather than get crushed by high-interest rates, refinance with CommonBond. You’ll get rates as low as 1.95% APR and save $14,000 on average over the life of your loan.
You’ll also get excellent customer service. CommonBond even has your back in the event you lose your job. They’ll pause your payments and help you find a new gig.
Plus, for every degree fully funded through CommonBond’s platform, the company pays for a year’s education for a student in need abroad. Pretty sweet.
Forget your professors’ names. Remember the freedom of feeling debt-free.