Article • January 12, 2016

Spruce Up Your Walls with Custom Frames

Get 15% off your first Framebridge purchase with code NETTED


Behold: It’s the second week of January. First-week-back jitters are gone. You’re ready to take on the year. So many possibilities! You can conquer them all!

But first… oof… you’ve gotta tackle your living space.

Tired of staring at blank walls? Especially with framable photos and artworks cluttering your closet and camera roll? We get it. So does Framebridge.

Framebridge is custom-framing made easy. First off, it’s easy on your wallet. Unlike standard framers, Framebridge doesn’t expect you to sacrifice a paycheck for your wall art. Pricing is based on the size of your piece and starts at $39 (a fraction of frame store prices).

It’s also easy to use. Choose your frame and upload or send your art. Framebridge designers do the rest and make sure you get exactly what you want.

Plus, code NETTED gets you 15% off your first order.

Go forth, and conquer those walls.