Watch YouTube Without an Internet Connection - Netted
Video • November 4, 2016

Watch YouTube Without an Internet Connection

Airy lets you download YouTube videos for offline viewing

If you think being able to watch YouTube is a universal human right (and hey, we’re not going to argue with you), you need this app—because it’ll give you the power to watch vids anywhere.

INTRO: You know when you hike twenty miles into the wilderness, roast up some s’mores, and breathe in that fresh mountain air, and then you’re like, damn, I wish I could watch some YouTube right now.

AIRY: I know the feeling. So do the people who made Airy, a Mac and Windows app that lets you download YouTube videos for offline viewing. Before you head out on your hike, paste the URL into Airy, choose your file format, and boom—you’ve got a video file that you can play anywhere, no Wi-Fi necessary. It costs 20 bucks, but Netted readers get a sweet 50% discount with our code. [Get 50% off with code: WB50AD til 11/18]

OUTRO: Fun fact about hiking: Hike the Appalachian Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, and the Pacific Crest Trail, and you complete the famed Triple Crown of American thru-hiking. To commemorate your achievement, you get a plaque. And a permanent loss of sensation in your feet.

CLOSE: And that’s your Cheat Code. See ya nerds.