Article • March 13, 2019

Store Your Luggage at Trusted Locations and Explore Cities with This App

Vertoe is your key to lightening your load in cities across the US

You crushed your business trip. Contacts made. Presentations given. Now it’s time to relax and explore the city before your flight.

But wait. You have a 30-pound anchor weighing you down. Lighten your load with Vertoe, a luggage storage service.

It costs only $5.95 per day, per item. Search a Vertoe location near you (a hotel, etc.), select the drop-off and pick-up time for your luggage, plus how many items you want to store—and violà! A trusted establishment is looking after your goods, while you get to frolic.

Worried about your luggage? Calm down… items booked with Vertoe are covered with insurance up to $5,000. Check out over 300+ locations across NYC, L.A., San Francisco, Miami, D.C., Austin, and more.

Now you’re traveling light.