When you find yourself doomscrolling, the first instinct is to put your phone away. But do you ever find yourself mindlessly picking it back up only to re-open the same app five minutes later? You’ll close out TikTok then find yourself deep in your Instagram Explore page without much thought.
With sunnier and warmer days here—plus all the regretful thoughts of how you’ll go to the beach more this summer—we’ve put together a quick guide below on how you can spend more of your time offline.
For our Android users, minimalist phone is the software that’ll transform your smartphone into a dumbphone. It blocks out all your distracting apps to populate your home screen with the essentials: Phone, Calendar, Calculator and Messages.
We’ve all set screen time limits, only to hit ignore a few seconds after it pops up. ClearSpace (an iOS-only app) takes a different approach, interrupting the impulse by guiding you through simple mindfulness exercises every time you open an app.
To spend more time offline, you need more hobbies IRL, or to lean into the ones you already have. Tweek is a minimal weekly planner, with a great interface for tracking hobbies and habits. Instead of using it to create a timed schedule (that’s just added pressure), simply list out the habits you’d like to keep in a week and use it as a memo of things you can do for moments when you feel there’s nothing to do.