Guide • March 15, 2012

Happy St. iPaddy's Day!

A mashup celebration of the new iPad release today and St. Patrick's Day tomorrow
  • G-Form Extreme Sleeve

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    If the G-Form Extreme Sleeve can protect iPads from getting hit by cars and dropped from airplanes (and it can), then it can certainly handle some St. Patrick’s Day hijinks.

    Go to G-Form Extreme Sleeve

  • Snake '97

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    In a tribute to St. Patrick banishing snakes from Ireland, transform your iPad (or iPhone) into a giant Nokia and play Snake ’97.

    Go to Snake ’97

  • Fotopedia Heritage iPad App

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    Take advantage of the new iPad’s much-talked-about Retina display with Fotopedia’s gloriously HD photos of picturesque Irish destinations like Skellig Michael and Knowth.

  • Guinness Storehouse iPad App

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    St. Patrick’s Day can’t pass without at least one Guinness. Guinness Storehouse boasts photos from all the floors at the Dublin brewery plus recipes to concoct while losing a staring contest to your iPad.

  • Camera Awesome

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    Though meant for iPhones, Camera Awesome is a powerful photo-editing app that can take advantage the new iPad’s much-improved camera with filters, cropping, and even image stabilization.

    Go to Camera Awesome

  • iPad App

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    Use’s iPad App to prove that you are indeed part Irish. It automatically syncs with your online account and can delve into your family’s past in just a few swipes. iPad App

  • NPR Music iPad App

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    Need some fresh Éire? The NPR Music iPad app will have all the Celtic tunes you need for now and a vast collection of deep cuts for long after the rivers run green.

    Go to NPR Music iPad App