Guide • January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution Guide 2013

You've got resolutions, we've got sites and apps to keep them
  • Cue

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    The Resolution: To stop being late.
    The tool: Cue, an iPhone app that uses your email, contacts, and calendar to serve up alerts and pertinent info to help you navigate your day.

  • Adioso

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    The Resolution: To be more adventurous.
    The tool: Adioso, a flight booking site that deals in offbeat searches like “somewhere warm” and “Europe under $500.”

    Go to Adioso

  • Huntsy

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    The Resolution: To get a better job.
    The tool: Huntsy, a service that organizes jobs you find, keeps you focused with timed reminders, and scours social networks to find helpful connections for your hunt.

  • Catchafire

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    The Resolution: To volunteer more.
    The tool: Catchafire, a site that matches charitable projects – everything from logo design to website photography – to people with the skills to complete them.

    Go to Catchafire

  • DietBet

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    The Resolution: To lose 10lbs.
    The tool: Dietbet, a site that turns losing weight into a game amongst friends where the winner takes home the pot.

    Go to Dietbet

  • ImpulseSave

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    The Resolution: To save more money.
    The tool: ImpulseSave, a tool that connects your checking account to a high-yield savings account and allows you to deposit money with a simple text message.

  • Renew SleepClock

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    The Resolution: To sleep better.
    The tool: Renew SleepClock, a smart device that uses your iPhone to track your sleep patterns and gently wakes you at just the right moment for a more refreshing morning.

    Go to Renew SleepClock

  • Duolingo

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    The Resolution: To learn a new language.
    The tool: Duolingo, a free site and iPhone app that uses photos, speech recognition, listening exercises, even site translation to teach foreign language through full immersion.

    Go to Duolingo

  • Wikihood

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    The Resolution: To explore your city more.
    The tool: Wikihood, an app for iPhone, iPad, Android, and the Web that uses your GPS to display Wikipedia entries pertaining to your surrounding area.

  • Fooducate

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    The resolution: To eat better.
    The tool: Fooducate scans barcodes to explain questionable ingredients, give products a simple letter grade, and recommend healthy alternatives.

    Go to Fooducate