Guide • July 25, 2012

Suit Yourself

Four apps and sites to bolster your wardrobe
  • Cloth

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    This no-registration iPhone app digitizes your closet, allowing you to save, organize, and share your favorite outfits. Tag outfits by weather suitability and the in-app radar will let you know what to wear when. Smart, phone.

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    Snap photos of outfits, apply a glossy filter, and tag each item by brand. Then rate other users with tags like “hipster” and “good jeans” or pit your style against others in a Swaag Battles. The reward? Knowing you look good.

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  • Glimpse

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    Rely on the collective wisdom of your friends – assuming they have good taste – with this website and iPad app that creates a virtual catalog of suggested items based on the Facebook likes of you and your closest 400 pals.

  • Wevther

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    Allow the site to geotarget your location and it will pull a curated selection of clothing and accessories based on the current weather conditions. Are the recommendations perfect? No. Is it a novel way to shop? Heck yes.

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