Guide • May 22, 2019

4 Webby Winners Fighting for Climate Change

Check out these Webby Award-winning projects that are fighting to conserve our planet.
  • We Stand With #FridaysForFuture

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    Watch our full moment honoring Greta Thunberg. Presented by David Wallace-Wells (author, The Uninhabitable Earth), the moment featured a short film about Greta’s work narrated by actress Rebecca Hall; and was followed by remarks from NYC-based student climate justice activists Alexandria Villasenorand Spencer Berg.

  • Planet or Plastic

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    Here’s a statistic that should scare you: Each year 9 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans. Webby Winner National Geographic’s Planet or Plastic pledges to prevent that number from reaching 1 billion by 2020, and educates readers on how they can make a change.

  • OceanX

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    Ever wonder what’s at the bottom of the floor? Us too. Dive (literally) into OceanX’s Webby-winning project on their 2,000 meter excursion to Antarctica’s to uncover it’s teeming with life.

  • Minecraft Coral Crafters

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    Video games are perfect vessels for social good. Just ask 215 McCann, who’s Webby-winning project Minecraft Coral Crafters called on Minecraft creators to turn community-built, in-game designs into bio-rock sculptures for a Mexican community. So cool!