Prep Your Tweets and Facebook Status Updates for Later - Netted
Article • November 17, 2010

Prep Your Tweets and Facebook Status Updates for Later

LaterBro is a simple way to schedule tweets and status updates

Being in multiple places at one time is impossible, thanks to the laws of physics. Or is it?

Enter LaterBro, a drop dead simple application that allows you to schedule recurring Twitter and Facebook posts, allowing you to be online, even when you’re not online.

Simply visit the site and log into your Twitter or Facebook account.  From there the app will ask for permission to connect to your account (there is nothing to download or sign up for).

Once you grant it you’ll be taken to a scheduling page.  You can set updates for every fifteen minutes during a 24-hour period.  Or you can set them up on a recurring basis (daily, every other day, weekly, etc.).

This is useful for any number of applications, including maintaining an online presence while you do things like sleep or spend time with your spouse.