Article • November 19, 2010

Flip the Switch on Energy Poverty

Microlend energy to developing countries with Energy In Common

We know what you’re thinking:  Where do I find a microlending platform that allows me helps close the energy gap?

Enter Energy in Common, a service that provides clean energy and reliable power to people in developing countries, via money that you loan them.

To begin browse their list of entrepreneurs. Each has a page with information, including their location, what they’ll be using the money for (e.g. solar lanterns or clean burning stove), and the charity they’re partnering with to facilitate the transaction.

(The folks at EIC even calculate the projected carbon footprint reduction that your loan will help accomplish.)

Once you’ve decided on an entrepreneur, select how much you’ll contribute to help them meet their financial goal. Loans start at a minimum of $25 and are securely processed through PayPal or USA E-Pay.

After the money is put to use, you’ll receive an email that you’re cleared for repayment (this process takes an average of 18 months). From there, you can choose to re-lend the money to another entrepreneur, withdraw it from your EIC account, or leave it alone to decide at a later date.

Don’t fight the power, provide it.