Article • November 4, 2011

Cut Down on Facial Grooming to Support a Worthy Cause

Grow (or support) a nustache for charity with Movember

Lots of stuff happens in November. Thanksgiving. The end of daylight saving time. The proliferation of lip sweaters.

Yes, that’s right; November is the month for mustaches. And for good reason: the Movember movement is all about growing a ‘stache to support men’s health. With that thing on your face, you become a walking billboard to help raise awareness about – and money for – men’s health issues.

While you can just grow a mustache without the help of the internet (for now…), registering with Movember consolidates your charity efforts. You can also participate in their online community “Mo Space” and check out other awesome nose ticklers. Plus, it makes you eligible for a bunch of great prizes. If you can’t grow a mustache, no problem. You can still register, raise money, and get prizes.

We like the idea so much, we’re thinking of starting a concurrent movement called Nosevember. We’re not sure whether that means we’re supposed to grow out our nose hair or our noses themselves. To play it safe, we’re doing both.