Article • August 30, 2012

Share Rides and Save Money on Your Commute

Hitch rides with strangers (nice ones) on Zimride

Every horror movie includes a relatable gang of misfits, an ominous setting, and a series of poor choices – for example, hitchhiking.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for riding in cars with strangers.

Which is why it’s nice to see Zimride restoring credibility the time-honored (and damn convenient) mode of transportation. Instead of standing on the road with thumbs extended, Zimride users authenticate their identity through Facebook, letting you select travel companions by their interests, job, schooling, musical preferences, and mutual friend connections.

Search for a ride the same way you would a flight: departure point, destination, and date. Most drivers charge a fee based on shared gas costs, which Zimride collects and holds until after the trip is complete, ensuring no one gets left out in the cold.

For additional vetting, drivers and passengers alike can be reviewed by other users to weed out any bad apples.

So the only thing getting slashed is your travel budget.