Article • March 26, 2014

Create and Share Travel Tip Maps

Jauntful is a website and iOS app for sharing travel tips

Part of what’s great about exploring new places has to do with who your guide is. For example, a weekend in Minneapolis with Prince might be a very different affair from one with, say, Walter Mondale.

With Jauntful, travelers can save their adventures for posterity and help friends walk in their footsteps.

Jauntful allows locals and knowledgable visitors to create maps of their favorite places, in the order they visited them. Take this British bloke, who breaks down Paris into 11 must-see stops for a weekend visitor.

The fun really starts once travelers start using the guides you’ve made: You can follow them, digitally, as they hit your preferred spots, and peruse the comments they post along the way.

Bonus for the unplugged drifter: You can download a beautiful, printable copy of each map to carry with you.

Consider your wanderlust officially stoked.