Guide • March 19, 2018

March for Our Lives Guide

12 ways to support the movement against gun violence
  • Find a March

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    Don’t worry if you can’t attend the March for Our Lives in DC—827 demonstrations are taking place worldwide. Visit the March For Our Lives events page to locate events happening near you.

  • Buses to DC

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    If you’re determined to make it to DC but still need a ride, check to join a charter to #MarchForOurLives, or start one from your city. All ticket sales will go to Parkland victims and their families. Or try Rally for additional bus services.

  • Donate

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    Marching isn’t the only way to drive social change, and it isn’t cheap. Donate to theMarch For Our Lives Action Fund to cover expenses for the March 24th demonstrations. Contributions will also be used to fight for gun safety legislation

  • LISTEN: Found/Tonight

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    Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda and actor Ben Platt released the song Found/Tonight in solidarity with Parkland students. Stream or download now for a good cry. Proceeds go to the March For Our Lives.

  • Vote for Our Lives

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    The path to #NeverAgain’s goal for sensible gun safety legislation starts with voting. Register to vote (it only takes two minutes), and start contacting your elected officials to demand stricter gun laws.

  • WalkWoke

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    A great protest sign can really amplify your message at the march. Create vibrant, impactful posters with WalkWoke, and app that lets you customize protest signs. Its gallery of over 50 templates is created by artists and activists to drive social change.

  • Buy Merch for the March

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    You can support the #MarchForOurLives by purchasing a few products from their store, all branded with the movement’s logo. Show solidarity by donning a shirt to the march or in the coming weeks. All proceeds go to the demonstration.

  • DC Local Ambassadors

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    If you’ll be in DC, consider volunteering for the march. #MarchForOurLives is an entirely student-led, community-funded demonstration, and is in need of more assistance. Sign up to be a DC Local Ambassador, and lock in your volunteer training.

  • March App

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    For quick access to all things #MarchForOurLives, download the MFOL app, created by DoubleDutch. The app acts as a repository that supports pertinent march information, like a letter from student organizers, the movement’s Twitter feed, its petition, and more.

  • March For Our Lives Petition

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    Sign the March For Our Lives petition, and take the pledge to protect children and young adults. More than 243,000 people have taken action to push for stricter gun legislation—will you be one of them?

  • ResistBot

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    There’s still much work to be done after the march. Stay informed on the battle for gun reform, and contact your elected officials to demand change with Resistbot, a chatbot for social change. Text “Resist” to 50409, and start contacting your senators, congress person, governors, and more.

  • Follow the March For Our Lives on Twitter

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    Keep up with the #MarchForOurLives on Saturday, and with the #NeverAgain movement (which is just getting started): Our Twitter list has all the accounts you need to follow to stay involved and in-the-know.