Article • September 17, 2010

Scheduled Programming

An Easy Way To Save Videos For Future Viewing Pleasure

According to current statistics you’re watching a hell of a lot of video on the web. We’re also guessing most of it isn’t relevant to your job.

To stay on top of your viewing there’s RadBox, a service that allows you to store a queue of online videos to watch whenever you want to (e.g. when you’re off duty).

Start by signing up for a free account and dragging the “Add to RadBox” button to your browser’s bookmark bar. Then go about surfing the web for video entertainment as you usually do.

Whenever you come across an item you want to watch, just click the button and the video will be added to a bookmark queue so you can watch it when you have the time.

You can save video from all the sources you normally browse–YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, College Humor, etc. There’s even a mobile app in the works.

Think of it as TiVo for your browser