Article • October 4, 2010

Connect Your Local Community with Its History

View locations across the globe at different points in history with Historypin

Ever wonder what your town looked like a century (or even a few decades) ago? Sure Grandma could pull out the scrapbook, but then you’d have to subject yourself to a dose of her musings.

For a hassle free digital alternative, try Historypin, a free online tool that allows you to view and share historical photos.

To begin, simply enter the address and a description of what you’re looking for in the surrounding area (e.g. schools or churches). Historypin gives back an annotated Google map with historical photos “pinned” to different areas.

The site features a searching timeline, allowing you to switch between photos from various time periods.  Historypin even allows you to compare historical photos with their modern day counterparts by utilizing Google Streetview.

Still want to know more? Dig deeper and explore “stories” added by users.

Who says the Internet is making us stupid?