Naming Rights - Netted
Article • December 6, 2010

Naming Rights

Give The Gift Of A .CO Domain Name This Holiday Season

Finding a holiday gift that’s unique and useful (to say nothing of potentially profitable) is no easy task.

To set yourself apart, try Give A .Co, a special holiday offer that lets you give the gift of a .CO domain name.

Yes, we said domain name, as in a top-level web address that defines a realm of autonomy on the Internet.

Why?  Because all of the good dot-com names are long gone, poached by sly speculators or corporate entities for big bucks. ( was sold for $16 million last year).

Launched in July, .CO is the new web address that offers more choice and flexibility in creating an online presence.

With Give A .Co you can empower your friends and family to register almost any name or entity (including their own names, the names of their children and their wacky uncle’s business idea, SellMyOldSocks.CO) for an exceptionally low price.

When you visit the site you’ll see two gift choices: the domain name (for $35, a savings of $5 off the regular price) or the domain name plus website package (for $75 and even bigger savings).

Just follow the simple steps to make the purchase.  Upon completion you’ll receive an email containing the gift certificate.

You can either print it out and gift your recipient a physical gift or simply forward them the email. The certificate gives them a code to use when they register their .CO name.

Finally, a stocking stuffer that nobody will want to return.
