Guide • August 14, 2013

Back to Work Guide 2013

Work smart, not hard, with these 12 work tools
  • Soundfreaq Sound Spot

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    Whether it’s Spotify or Skype, your computer speakers can’t hack it. This wireless bluetooth speaker sits modestly (though beautifully) on your desk, ready to outperform its size on cue. Tip: Play louder at home office.

    Go to Soundfreaq Sound Spot

  • PEBO Coffee Maker

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    Ah, precious java. Joe is worth every drop, and this vacuum-powered coffee maker is designed to procure every nutty remain of your brew while controlling temperature and brew time. Obsessive or obsessed? Obsessive or obsessed?

    Go to PEBO Coffee Maker

  • NewAir Icemaker

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    Mad Men’s Don Draper always has whiskey and (implausibly) unmelted ice cubes at the ready. For you, some high-tech assurances: This 15-square inch icemaker dispenses nine cubes in six minutes flat. Whiskey not included.

    Go to NewAir Icemaker

  • ShowerTunes

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    Singing in the shower is fun. Plugging your iPad into a shower curtain lined with speakers and listening to music or streaming videos is damn fun. You can even make Skype calls – assuming of course the camera stays off.

    Go to ShowerTunes

  • Bamboo Connect

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    You like the feel of pen and paper and the convenience of a digital record. (Plus, you know, the environment.) This ultralight tablet lets you jot, sketch, and annotate to your hearts content then port it all to your computer.

    Go to Bamboo Connect

  • Scrubba Washbag

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    Whether you’re a road warrior or just wearing the same clothes as last night, this portable laundry bag with keep you smelling professional. Add water and a splash of detergent, seal it up, then let the internal flexible washboard do your dirty work.

    Go to Scrubba Washbag

  • Dioder

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    Ben Franklin once prescribed “early to bed, early to rise” for happiness and success. Your significant other doesn’t agree. Leave the lamp off and use this drawer light to see what you’re gonna wear.

    Go to Dioder

  • Magbuds

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    If you work with headphones on, chances are you’re wasting company time every morning just detangling the darn things. Unless, that is, you have these untangle-able, magnetic headphones. The internal mic and cord remote make them perfect for your commute, too.

    Go to MagBuds

  • "Brown Paper" Bag

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    Once upon a time, Ma used to lovingly pack your lunchbag with home-made Lunchables, Dunkaroos, and Capri Sun. Relive the good ol’ days with this reusable brown paper bag-lookalike lunch bag.

    “Brown Paper” Bag

  • Trakdot

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    Giving a presentation in your plane clothes is no way to make a good first impression. Ensure your luggage never gets lost with this small device that tracks your baggage via text message and online tracking.

    Go to Trakdot

  • FlaskTie

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    Some days, let’s admit, are harder than others. Rather than lugging your emergency comfort bottle of Yoo-Hoo around, get the FlaskTie – neckware that hides a 6oz pouch you can fill with whatever liquid you want to nurse at work.

    Go to FlaskTie

  • Valkee

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    Shorter days. Fluorescent lights. Meetings. It all adds up to one big downer. This light therapy device channels light directly to photosensitive regions of the brain through the ear canal. The result: more energy and fewer mood swings (possibly).

    Go to Valkee