Guide • October 20, 2016

Prepare for Election 2016 with These Tools

We've got all the tools you need to make informed decisions on November 8th
  • Voter

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    OK, so you’ve got some opinions on things. And naturally you want to vote for someone who agrees with you. Voter will help you find out who fits your viewpoint—report your stances on various issues by swiping right or left, and it’ll match you with politicians on your ballot who most closely mirror your views.

  • Countable

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    If you’re looking for a wider view of what’s at stake in this election, Countable is a great resource: Check this site to browse major political news, read profiles on candidates, and also get a breakdown of bills currently in Congress and an overview of the major issues in the race.

  • Greenhouse

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    We don’t have to tell you that there’s a lot of money in politics. Unfortunately, not all of it is good money: Shine a light on who’s greasing palms with Greenhouse, a handy Chrome extension that shows you the campaign donations, broken down by amount and industry, for senators and representatives whenever you come across their names online.


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    When you see your elected officials on CSPAN (because you watch it every day, right?), don’t forget that they’re representing you. Make sure they hear your voice with, a site that makes it super easy to get in touch with members of Congress. Just enter your address, choose your reps, and let them have it.

  • RealClearPolitics

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    People always throw around poll data like the election’s already been decided. First, everyone needs to calm down. Second, everyone should check out RealClearPolitics, which aggregates poll data from all over the country. See which states are turning red, blue, or purple, and also view how the numbers have fluctuated over time.

  • 4US

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    While you probably have your mind made up about your preferred presidential candidate *cough*, there’s a chance you’re still undecided (or don’t know anything) about the Congressional candidates. Use 4US to compare your voting habits to those of your Congressional Representatives. Get informed and see customized results based on the things you care most about.

  • HeadCount Voter Info

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    Are you good to go? Use HeadCount’s Voter Info tool to see your state’s deadlines, voter ID rules, early voting info, and more. Check your polling place location or request an absentee ballot. Don’t leave anything up to chance this election year.

  • TurboVote

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    It should be simple and painless to cast your vote in US elections. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Sign up with TurboVote and get notifications, in English and Spanish, anytime you have an upcoming local or national election. If you need to register, update your voter registration, or request an absentee ballot, TurboVote will send you all the forms and info you need ahead of time.

  • BallotReady

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    Ideally, you should already know what your ballot will look like before you step into the voting booth. Make sure you know who’s running in your district with BallotReady. Enter your address, and it’ll show what candidates for various elected positions you can expect to see on your ballot on November 8th.

  • Spotfund

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    Election season got you feeling excited? Download micro-donation iOS app Spotfund and with one tap support your candidate with a $1, $2, $3 donation or more. Discover and support causes that matter to you and easily share campaigns and your donations via social. It ain’t about the size of your wallet.

  • Netted Guest Stars: Cenk Uygur

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    And if you’re looking for more helpful tools to guide you through the political sphere, take a tip from Cenk Uygur, founder of The Young Turks: Check out his picks for staying politically active.