Guide • October 11, 2012

Young at Heart

Four diversions for the kids
  • Lazoo

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    Within a world of characters like Hoshi the Lion and Zargatron 5000 you’ll find two iDevice apps that aim to make drawing an educational experience.

    Go to Lazoo

  • Maily

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    Your kid’s first email account lets him send crafty messages to parent-approved contacts. He can even snap a photo of himself to send to Mom and Dad.

    Go to Maily

  • Agent Piggy

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    This site uses a fun interface to teach kids the basics on the meaning of money (read: you’re not made of it) and the value of a hard day’s work (read: doing their chores pays off).

    Go to Agent Piggy

  • Artkive

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    You’re going to run out of space on your refrigerator. No way to stop it. However, you can use this iDevice app to capture masterpieces for posterity and even turn your favorites into keepsakes.

    Go to Artkive